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The following are selected briefs of the Oct. 23 meeting of Taber Town Council.
Land Use Bylaw Redistricting Amendment 13-2023: Council voted unanimously to pass third and final reading of Land Use Bylaw Redistricting Amendment 13-2023.
The amendment allows for re-districting to direct control to allow for development of a second home on a property.
Land Use Bylaw Amendment 14-2023: Council voted unanimously to pass third and final reading of Land Use Amendment Bylaw 14-2023.
The amendment allows for the use of shipping containers as sheds/storage in the Downtown District. According to administration, the containers better meet the fire code requirements, which has been a concern of the fire department.
In an online poll conducted by the Times between Oct. 11-18, 71 per cent of respondents were opposed to the Town allowing shipping containers in the downtown district.
Residential Tax Incentive Bylaw 16-2023: Council voted unanimously to pass third and final reading of Residential Tax Incentive Bylaw 16-2023.
The Residential Tax Incentive Bylaw aims to help alleviate housing shortages by offering a four-year tiered tax exemption on new properties or new legal secondary suites. The properties included in the incentive include single family homes, new manufactured homes, multi-family units (anything from duplexes to apartment buildings), mixed-use developments, and the creation of legal secondary suites.
The Residential Tax Incentive Bylaw offers 100 per cent municipal tax exemption in the first year following occupancy, 75 per cent in the second year, 50 per cent in the third year and 25 per cent in the fourth and final year.
Fee Bylaw 19-2023: Council voted unanimously to pass first reading of Fee Bylaw 19-2023. Changes are being proposed for Recreation Services, Utilities, Cemetery and Fire Services.
Fire Bylaw 18-2023: Council voted unanimously to pass third and final reading of Fire Bylaw 18-2023. The bylaw removes the Level of Service requirement, removes POC Firefighter Pay and changes Burn Pit Size.
Weed Control Act Municipal Inspector Appointment (1): Council voted unanimously to appoint Cst. Brandon Demers, of the Taber Police Service, under the Weed Control Act of Alberta, as a Municipal Inspector for the Town of Taber, to carry out this Act and the regulations within the municipality.
Weed Control Act Municipal Inspector Appointment (2): Council voted unanimously to appoint Cst. Earl Coby Cobarrubias, of the Taber Police Service, under the Weed Control Act of Alberta, as a Municipal Inspector for the Town of Taber, to carry out this Act and the regulations within the municipality.
Development Permit 23-131 – 5506 46 Avenue – Shopping Centre: Council voted unanimously to approve Development Permit DP 23-131 for a Shopping Centre at 5506 46 Avenue (Lots 1-5, Block 21, Plan 6390L) with 24 conditions.
According to administration, this would be a discretionary use in the DC-2 district as it is considered a proposed addition to an existing building or a proposed building. This is to be part of a larger commercial development that continues onto the adjacent property.
“We would ideally have these lots consolidated into one lot,” states administration in the background to the permit application. “However, the request that this title and the adjacent title (be) consolidated into one title is complicated by the fact that this lot is the site of a former gas station, which makes it impractical to do this as the adjacent lot would then be considered as contaminated as well.”
Development Permit 23-132 – 5508 46 Avenue – Shopping Centre: Council voted unanimously to approve Development Permit 23-132 – 5508 46 Avenue – Shopping Centre (Lots 23, Block 21, Plan 141 0557) with 25 conditions.
Special Meeting of Council – Budget Presentation: Council voted unanimously to approve a special meeting of council to be held on Nov. 16 at 4:30 p.m. to discuss the 2024-2027 operating budget.
Building Permit Requirements: Council voted unanimously to direct administration to review building permit requirements and bring back to council any recommendations to streamline the building process, and to potentially create a checklist for guidelines of what is required to develop in the Town of Taber.
Extended Producer Responsibility Program: Council voted unanimously to direct administration to investigate the Extended Producer Responsibility Program (EPR) and the possibility of the Town of Taber joining that program.
46 Avenue Sidewalk: Council passed a motion to direct administration to look at the cost of extending the sidewalk to complete on 46 Avenue. According to the minutes of the meeting, the vote was not unanimous.
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