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Town of Taber looking to collaborate with M.D. over regional wastewater

Posted on November 30, 2022 by Taber Times

By Kenyon Stronski
Taber Times

Administration came forth to Taber council at their Nov. 28 regular meeting to seek the endorsement of a grant application through the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) program. The purpose of the grant would be to conduct a study relating to the development of a regional water treatment plant study, with Lethbridge County, the Town of Coaldale, the Town of Taber and the Municipal District of Taber all being involved.

According to the agenda, the scope of the work would be to identify areas to be serviced by a new distribution system infrastructure, determine areas of developable land, attach a development factor which will help assign distribution system flows to areas, and to quantify the Town of Taber growth alongside the region. CAO Derrin Thibault stepped forward to present the proposal.

“I’ve been in contact with CAO Arlos Crofts next door at the M.D., this is another ACP grant application and the parameters are the same as the last grant we talked about. This is for a regional water treatment facility, so CAO Crofts and myself have already touched base with the Town of Coaldale CAO and Lethbridge County’s CAO and we’re all looking to sign this agreement together with the M.D. being the partner. The region we’re looking at is somewhere between Lethbridge and Medicine Hat, so we kind of form a region in there in our estimation and that’s what we’re going to be trying to service.”

Coun. Monica McLean posed the first question, asking if the purpose of the collaborative effort would be to save money.

Thibault said there are lots of collaboration grants going around with the ACP, and at the root of it, the idea would be to save money and potentially create a collective system that would service a large area.

“There are savings for all the groups involved ideally, but there would be some studies done, and there would be some pretty significant capital out-leave. A new water treatment plant, if it’s decided that that’s the option or an expansion to our own. There’s a whole bunch of options and that’s what’s going to be studied.”

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