Current Temperature
By Cole Parkinson
Taber Times
As the Municipal District of Taber, Taber Police Service, and Town of Taber partnership comes to fruition, M.D. council had to make some changes to their current memorandum of understanding (MOU).
The key objectives of amending the MOU is to legally position officers to enforce municipal bylaws as M.D. Bylaw Enforcement Officer, ensure previous bylaw officer descriptions are addressed for bylaw enforcement and legal clarity, and support current MOU with TPS in delivering Regional Community Standards Service.
“This item is connected to our recently agreed upon and signed memorandum of understanding with the Town of Taber as well as the Taber Police Service with respect to municipal enforcement/community standards bylaw work,” explained CAO Arlos Crofts at the M.D.’s Oct. 11 meeting. “This is specifically with respect to bylaw enforcement. So, we have recently received approval from the minister to go ahead with this arrangement. We received that approval and that helps with respect to all the relevant provincial statutes fall within that agreement.”
After the M.D. entered into an MOU with the Town and TPS, bylaws have been drafted with varying references to a bylaw enforcement officer including a bylaw enforcement officer and bylaw officer and the various descriptions are being accounted for by resolution until all relevant bylaws can be reviewed and/or updated.
“However, the municipality does need to take measures to establish authorities for actual bylaw enforcement. That deals with that aspect of it,” continued Crofts. “The memorandum is now signed, we have provincial approval, and they are recruiting the additional officer that will be part of this program. That recruitment has not been completed yet, but they are willing to provide service in their existing capacity that they have now. It’s all about getting those measures in place so they can start providing limited services within their existing capacity unit so they can recruit that officer.”
TPS officers looking to be confirmed are Graham Abela, Steven Meggison, David Gyepesi, Mathieu Champagne, Jason Vowles, Andrew Evanson, Timothy Johnson, David Dube, Christopher Nguyen, Juanita Fudge, Gregory Schneider, Lexi Brevik, Leighton Motz, Mike Kitto, Todd Boychuk, Eric Neufeld, Mathew Orme, and Austin Weersink.
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