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By Kenyon Stronski
Taber Times
Bylaw 14-2022 was given its first reading at a meeting previous to the July 18 regular meeting of council, and after a public hearing with no community members speaking out against the bylaw, council moved onto their second and third readings.
The bylaw relates to a Land Use Bylaw Amendment application to re-designate 6204 60th Street, and 6210 60th Street from Light Industrial District to Medium Industrial District.
According to the agenda, the applicant had applied to amend the land use district so that their business may be operated from the property.
Both readings of the bylaw were passed unanimously.
Next up was Bylaw 16-2022 which is a Lending Bylaw for the Society for Taber Arts and Recreation (STAR).
According to the agenda from their Sept. 27, 2021, regular meeting of council, former Coun. Mark Garner moved that council provide a $250,000 interest-free loan over 10 years to the theatre group TANGO. The foundation is now requesting that the funds be loaned to STAR as they have now received their charitable status and wish to take over residency of the building.
Donna Weiss, Taber’s Taxation and Finance manager presented the information to town council.
“Previously, council had made the motion to lend the TANGO foundation some funds, it needs to come through a bylaw to lend that money and they’re also requesting that it be lent to STAR Theatre as they’ve now got their charitable status and they eventually will take over the building”
To clarify, Mayor Andrew Prokop noted that it is now just strictly STAR and TANGO is no longer in the mix for the loan.
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