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By Cole Parkinson
Taber Times
Taber Coalition For Action and Drug Awareness (TCAD) has proclaimed May 2022 as Kindness Month. With tons of back and forth and division throughout the pandemic, TCAD is hoping to bring everyone together and promote kindness throughout the month of May.
“Where this kind of originated was, some of the things we’re looking at, other than specifics around drugs, we talk a lot about youth and citizens of Taber and surrounding area in our meetings. One of the things we’re concerned about is mental health. Through these last few years of COVID, and other things like political uprising and all sorts of things going on, it’s created division in families and in friends, and in the world,” stated Ken Holst, TCAD president. “We felt what better time than to have a wave of kindness and that’s what we’re calling it — a wave of kindness. We want to have it sort of sweep across Taber and surrounding areas with everything going on and the division and guile that seems to be out there.”
TCAD started sending out promotional material last week to raise awareness and Taber and surrounding areas should have received a pamphlet highlighting several things people can do to be more kind.
“We came up with the idea of the whole month of May being Kindness Month. One of the things we’re doing is, we’re sending out, and they should be hitting every mailbox in Taber, businesses and rural, will be getting a calendar on one side. The calendar gives an idea of something you can try every day of the month to do something kind. On May 1, give a compliment to a young person, May 2 is tell someone a reason you like them — just small ideas like that,” continued Holst.
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