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That was the message from Municipal District of Taber chief administrative officer Derrick Krizsan, who sent out an e-mail announcement on June 2 which included an update on the work at the range as well as a series of photos of the area taken during construction.
Crews are now mobilizing out of the area in order to get to work on M.D. road projects, but are expected to return next spring in order complete construction of the 600 metre, 200 metre, 50 metre, and five bay action ranges, subject to council prioritization. The 100 metre range is expected to begin operation following reclamation, the establishment of grass on the range floor, and the successful completion of range licensing with the chief provincial firearms office and the RCMP.
During their regular meeting on May 23, council was updated on the project through a report by Jeremy Wickson, M.D. director of public works.
Wickson’s report indicated the entrance, roadway, and parking lot were completed and graveled, and that fencing and a gate had been installed.
A report to council by Brian Peers, director of lands and leases, indicated the project was awaiting Fortis power service, and it would cost the M.D. $4,125 for above ground service and $7,880 for buried service to the main gate. In addition, an erosion blanket had been ordered and received for seeding berms, and that administration was currently working on a Community Facilities Enhancement Grant.
In his e-mail, Krizsan described the range as potentially being “one of the best range facilities in the province of Alberta, if not the country.”
“The RCMP range construction guidelines have been exceeded in all respects to ensure the versatility of the range as well as the safety of the public both on and off of the range,” he said.
“I think to say that the results have incredible is an understatement,” he added.
Notification of the range opening will be made well in advance of the event.
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