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“The route has been a little bit altered this year but pretty much the same as last year. We shortened it up a little bit just to make sure we didn’t cause any congestion with the Southern Alberta Summer Games and traffic downtown,” said Matt Williams, parade committee chairperson with the Taber Chamber of Commerce. Williams has served on the board of directors of the chamber of commerce for four years and has been involved with the parade committee for the past two.
“We switched to this weekend to coincide with the Taber Outdoor Pro Rodeo because they’ve changed to the July 6 weekend,” noted Williams, adding the rodeo usually has participants in the parade.
“Kids always enjoy the horses.”
One thing is for sure, children seem to flock to wherever there’s free candy — something this year’s parade offers to sugar-crazy Taber kids. “There will be candy handed out. Most of the floats will have something that they usually hand out,” said Williams.
This year’s parade will also feature tractors, pipe bands, local businesses and organizations and the parade will run between an hour and an hour-and-a-half in duration. Willliams would also like to invite Summer Games athletes and children in the community in on the fun.
“Many of the Summer Games athletes, that are available and want to walk through the parade, we are welcoming them to come on and walk as a group through the parade if their not competing at that time. And if they have medals bring them and show them off. We also encourage other kids that want to decorate their bikes and ride their bikes through the parade, they are more than welcome to come out,” said Williams. “We always like to encourage more participation.”
To register for the parade contact the Taber Chamber of Commerce office at 403-223-2265 or visit online for more information at
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