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Dear Editor,
Canada lost their World Cup soccer game to Croatia 4-1, but that was the least of what they lost and by an even larger score.
Here was our chance on a world stage to show the greatness of our beloved country with the words of our anthem which we proudly sing, “…our true north strong and free….”
Perhaps, in the minds of all or many people it now rings, “your true north strong and arrogant.”
King Solomon said it right in Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”
John Herdman, the coach of the Canadian team, doubtless planted in his heart what he said with his lips; but it echoed over broadcasts, newscasts, back yards, pubs, homes, and was printed in newspapers throughout the world.
Canada has always stood for respect, freedom and all of the other inalienable rights of every person on the planet.
Too bad that image has been sullied through the undisciplined words of one man whose driving desire to win a soccer match sunk to a low that is embarrassing, reprehensible and shameful.
May it never happen again by any sports athlete, broadcaster, promoter, or coach who stands so high in the eyes of every boy or girl throughout Canada or the world who aspires to, and dreams of, success through sports.
Many of us have said things we wish we shouldn’t have, but we ended their sorrowful effects by a penitent, honest and deeply sincere confession of its wrongness to those we offended.
John Herdman needs to go and do the same on a world stage that what he said was repugnant and disrespectful to his opponents, Croations, Canadians and his own soccer players.
By doing so, we more freely forgive and give him another chance — even seven times seventy chances – to continue on with a determined and humble desire to never commit such a flagrant error again.
Ray Sheen
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