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Letters to the Editor Feb. 23

Posted on February 23, 2022 by Taber Times

Responsibilities of freedom

Dear Editor:

Freedom, I and many of my generation born in the 1930s, and also many other people of today’s world know what it is to lose our freedom. In my case, we lost it in 1940, and through much bloodshed, got it back in 1945. We don’t know what freedom is until we really lost it, and I know the threat to freedom is and that if and when we don’t recognize that freedom brings with it responsibility to adhere to a democratically elected government.

We recognize and adhere to the laws of the land. In the case of this world wide pandemic, we are encouraged, but not forced to be vaccinated, and live with the government and society consequences, but please do not dwell on the few negatives and get all bent out of shape. I have been a long-time resident of the town and Municipal District of Taber and love it. I witness and experience the blessings we have even during COVID. When I visit and observe the Taber Hospital, Clearview, Linden View. I see so many activities in the community centre, and the swimming pool. Our kids are in school and I am able to attend my church services.  So yes, we are together challenging COVID and also that will end, and it is certainly not the first challenge we have had in our awesome Canada. And yes, I also have the freedom to be a christian and love the following song: “Lead me, guide me along the way, for if you lead me I cannot stray. Lord let me walk each day with you, lead me my whple life through.”

Hans Visser

One response to “Letters to the Editor Feb. 23”

  1. Fedup Conservative says:

    Hans you do know of course that if this phoney conservative Reformer Jason Kenney gets his wish and forces a lot more privatization of health care upon us it will destroy our rural health care systems?

    Retired doctors point out that no doctors are going to remain working in rural Alberta if they can make a lot more money working in these private clinics and hospitals in the cities. Why should they?

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