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Dear Editor:
I agree with Keith Lawlor. I was told school zones were all changed to playground zones as there were many drivers who held drivers licences who did not understand the difference between the two. If this is the case, then these drivers should not hold a valid drivers license. Also the Town of Taber should cut/trim the foliage of the trees along 50th in front of St. Mary’s High School as you can not see the signs. In deed a cash grab.
Diane E. Nelson
Dear Editor:
If it wasn’t bad enough that Jason Kenney fed Albertans the lie that our oil industry was under attack by foreign companies and wasted $3.5 million of our money.
His year end review here in Edmonton was no different it contained the lie that B.C. was mining coal in a safe manner and we should let it happen in Alberta also.
Apparently, he wants us to ignore the fact that Teck Coal Limited in B.C. pleaded guilty to polluting rivers in B.C. and Montana and was fined $60 million. How stupid does he think we are?
We salute the farmers and ranchers who took a stand against this habitual liar for not letting him treat them like morons in this coal mining case.
Alan K. Spiller
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