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Taber Times is too far left

Posted on May 12, 2021 by Taber Times

Dear Editor:
You’re only letting people’s letters that are following your narrative. You need two sides to every story. That’s what journalism is! Obviously, you have forgotten. I have been a subscriber all my life to your paper, but not NO more. You are too far left and tell lies when you say you tell the truth, lol. You’re an embarrassment to our community!

Joe Gregus

2 Responses to “Taber Times is too far left”

  1. Fedup Conservative says:

    I find this title hilarious considering that the Taber Times has been great at printing both sides of the story. The fact that the majority of us true conservatives aren’t interested in letting these phoney conservatives, reformers destroy everything our conservative hero Peter Lougheed created for us makes us the enemy to Jason Kenney doesn’t surprise us. It’s a last ditch effort to try to stay alive and we know that’s not going to happen. Too many Albertans are admitting they made a huge mistake in electing him.

  2. Fedup Conservative says:

    Maybe Joe would like to supply us with a list of all the lies the Taber Times has been spreading and why he is supporting a well known Liberal turned Reformer, in Jason Kenney, pretending to be a Conservative when there is nothing Conservative about him?

    The true conservatives in my world are sick and tired of watching these reformers, and their supporters, starting with Ralph Klein, trying to destroy everything Lougheed created for us and aren’t surprised that Klein’s father Phil and daughter Angie tried to help us stop it.

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