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At war with an unseen enemy

Posted on May 12, 2021 by Taber Times

Dear Editor:
Our country is at war! The enemy cannot be seen with naked eyes, but it can be seen under a microscope. Thousands have seen it, studied it, diagrammed it, described its behaviour and mutation power and developed many effective vaccines against it, yet many do not believe it exists; with little research and study, they proclaim all kinds of reasons why the vaccines are harmful.

If the war in which we are engaged were against a powerful enemy armed with all kinds of warfare: guns to shoot and kill or wound us, planes to drop bombs upon our homes and our communities, rockets pinpointed to destroy us, or poison gas and bacteria released to smother us, or, Heaven forbid, atomic bombs deployed to annihilate an entire population, would we say it’s only a myth or it’s fake news?

Would we, then, with irresponsible fervour ascribe it to some conspiracy theory?

No, we would grasp for and wear gas masks, we would cry for vaccinations against unleashed warfare bacteria, we would scramble for bomb shelters and we would search every credible information source to determine how to protect our families, our communities and our property and livelihood.

Well, we are in that kind of war. We cannot flaunt government restrictions set for our own good by foolishly crying, “We live in a free country; they can’t tell us what to do; my friends and I know none of this is true.”

This COVID pandemic is real. If we don’t pull together quickly and conquer this ubiquitous enemy, its power to mutate itself into more of our lives will continue with no end in sight.

Ray Sheen

One response to “At war with an unseen enemy”

  1. Fedup Conservative says:

    Great comments Ray. Too bad so many of Albertans aren’t smart enough to understand it.

    The nightmare they have created for our doctors and nurses just isn’t fair.

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