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I thought we had freedom of speech in Canada?
I suppose we do if it is speech that won’t offend anybody.
What did Don do? He called out people for not wearing poppies, for more or less not supporting our veterans.
Just take a moment, all you condemners of Don and think what these men and women did for you, me and Joe next door.
They gave you, me, and Joe next door the right to display our faith, our values, our opinions in public. They gave us — freedom.
I hear reporters on the news, supposed hockey experts, and people in general say that Don was old school, that he should have gone the way of the dodo bird. That today we have a different world and he didn’t fit in. Fit in with what, I ask?
What I see in today’s Canada is the slow erosion of our western values, being replaced by a mismatch of ideologies and customs from around the globe. I believe Don was seeing the same. It upset Don and it upsets me. That is number one.
Number two on my list is that we have become a nation of spineless globs. You can’t say that because you might offend someone. You said something that offended someone and now they’re out to crucify you. I hear it now, Mr. Writer, you are nothing but a male, bigoted redneck, conservative and without morals. Oh, I may have offended myself.
Why do people from all over the world flock to Canada’s shores? My own parents did and I know why they did. Tyranny was running rampant in their part of the world, but luckily, the got the last train out before the onset of war. They came looking to start a new life. The first thing they tried to do when they settled here was to meld into the population around them and become Canadian.
Sure, they keep their customs in their small club. But out on the street, you were just someone trying to fit in, to be Canadian.
Today, the big draw is our very liberal acceptance of others. We are told we must be a mosaic of people and cultures. We don’t need to be Canadian and soon we won’t be. We Canadians will be overrun and our freedom will be no more. I won’t see it, but my grandchildren’s children may. It’s called — ‘Invasion by Immigration.’
Getting back to Grapes. Did I always agree with Don? Absolutely not. I felt he was entitled to his opinion and I to mine. And if I didn’t like what he had to say, I could easily tune him out. In this case, Don is right. We should all buy and wear poppies to honour, support, and thank the men and women who fought and still fight for our freedom. Attend the ceremonies if you can. But at least, take a moment, remove your headwear or cover your heart as you stand in silence, at the 11th hour, remembering those that gave and give you your freedom.
Walk tall Don. And I wait to be skewered head to toe.
As a foot note, I am Canadian of Czech/Austrian descent and speak some Hungarian.
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