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The editorial from the Lethbridge Herald’s August 16 edition titled “Empty words from Canada are of no help”, I appreciate your comments in this editorial.
You say ‘Canada’s current progressive zeal to bring greater human rights to the globe, we may have to reign in our overt ideological proselytizing, and focus on helping others instead of empty words’. May I add that, Trudeau with his human rights sermon, including no support for summer students and work projects unless you sing from Justin’s song sheet.
So be aware trading nations, unless your country has the same high standard of human rights also including abortion in all stages of pregnancy, we will hesitate to trade with you.
Will that make us feel proud as Canadians? No, I did not think so.
I was blessed to see so many caring Canadians at our local Canadian Foodgrains harvest (Taber Foodgrains Project) producing food for the needy of the world. And those are no empty words, no they are caring actions. Those are values I believe in.
Hans Visser
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