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Your editorial “Fake news claims a real attack on democracy” (Aug. 15 edition) certainly hit home with me.
My late parents and two sisters spent countless hours volunteering for the Peter Lougheed and Don Getty governments. Lougheed’s mines and mineral minister, energy minister today, Bill Dickie was a brother in-law of one of my uncles. We were all proud to support these conservatives who treated all Albertans with dignity and respect and by collecting proper royalties, taxes, and health care premiums ran this province properly and were building up the Heritage Savings Account for our children.
Then along came Ralph Klein.
He always bragged about being a Liberal, yet using Reform Party policies deliberately destroyed everything Lougheed had created for us. It’s no surprise why we are in financial ruin and Alaska and Norway aren’t, as oilmen, lawyers, bankers, accountants, and former MLAs will tell you.
In 2003, Don Getty told me that inviting Liberal Klein into the conservative party was the dumbest thing he had ever done, and I certainly agreed. In a desperate attempt to put a stop to what Klein was doing to us, six of us formed SUN (Seniors United Now). The plan was to travel the province talking to our fellow seniors about what Klein’s policies were doing to them and going to do to this province. Boy did we get a surprise. Although everything Klein had done had taken money out of their pockets we got called traitors, communists, leftists, left wing-nuts, or closet Liberals because we didn’t think like them. Klein was their hero and could do no wrong, yet everything we said would happen has happened.
Now these same gullible seniors have jumped on board Jason Kenney’s bandwagon, believing every lie he feeds them. The same Kenney who just happens to be another former Liberal. He was Justin Trudeau’s right hand man Ralph Goodale’s assistant in the Liberal party in Regina and like Klein is using Reform Party policies,that will make things worse for us. While Kenney and his supporters hurl their sarcastic remarks at our NDP government, they are in fact insulting the intelligence of many true Alberta conservatives. We knew we had to put a stop to what they were doing to us, deeply concerned for our children’s and grandchildren’s future. Even Klein’s own daughter Angie urged Albertans to vote NDP as she knew what they were doing to us.
Insulting true conservatives seems to be all Kenney knows, but what would you expect from a well known Liberal. By bashing Bill 6 he insulted our farmers and ranchers. literally telling them that they don’t deserve to have government protection for their farm hands, then by bashing Bill 24 he insults our Gay Community, then whines about not being allowed to ride in their gay pride parades, what did he expect? If that wasn’t bad enough he insults our family and friends in rural Alberta by voting against providing them with additional funds to try to get control of the escalating crimes in their areas. Apparently he feels they should arm themselves and shoot it out with these criminals, Donald Trump style, How stupid does he think we are?
While his supporters whine about their carbon tax, like he wants them to do, believing that it will financially destroy them, he has them convinced that it was created by Justin Trudeau and Rachel Notley to steal their money and yet it’s been in place in Sweden since 1991 and in B.C. since 2008. It’s why the oil industry supports it. All in all the big question in my circle of senior conservative friends is I wonder which group of conservatives will Liberal Kenney insult next?
Alan K. Spiller
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