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Dear Mayor Prokop and members of Taber town council,
The people of St. Theodore’s Anglican parish would like to express concern about the town council’s decision not to allow the Taber Equality Alliance to fly their flag in Confederation Park during Pride this June.
The flying of the flag is an important symbolic act, representing the presence of LGBTQ people in the community, and the desire on part of the town to recognize and welcome their presence. The repeated acts of vandalism of their flag last year is surely evidence that there are people in the community who do not welcome them. These acts of intimidation would seem to make it clear why it is necessary for the town to stand behind these members of the community.
As followers of Jesus, who identified with the vulnerable and marginalized, we want to stand with Taber Equality Alliance now as they seek to find a safe and welcoming place in the Town of Taber. We therefore ask you to reconsider your decision.
Yours in Christ,
The Rev’d Canon Erin Phillips and the parishioners of St. Theodore’s Anglican Church
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