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As Al Beeber said in a article Herald Nov 17, there are choices to be made in life.
Canada has struggles with recreational drugs in today’s society. The reality is that there are absolutes in society. Good and evil are absolutely opposites.
In Canada we must absolutely drive on the right side of the road. Drinking too much alcohol has absolute consequences.
Using drugs daily to make one feel good has absolute consequences. There are tons more absolute standards, when ignored have negative consequences.
But in today’s western culture, the absolute lines have become blurred. 150 years ago our forefathers inscribed in the parliament buildings peace tower a quote from Psalm 72:8 “He shall have dominion from sea to sea” those forefathers considered God to be central in establishing and managing this great dominion of Canada.
As the preamble of Canada’s constitution states that “Canada is founded on principles that recognize God and the rule of law.” Also it is true that God made the human body and mind absolutely marvellous, and created in us a concience to decide between good and evil. When we do wrong or evil our conscience will absolutely speak, but so often we ignore these signs and finally silence them, and that leads to evil.
The preamble of the constitution, and the inscription on the peace tower are still there, but many of today’s society and many of its leaders don’t take God as a absolute anymore. Is that where we are at today?
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