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ARCHUS spokesman Bourgue says that there are 3,000 drug users in Lethbridge, and double that number in southern Alberta.
Do I have a solution to this problem? No I don’t, but I do have some ideas. Bourgue says we need to find the underlying cause, and yes there could be several things that could lead people down the wrong path.
But, now we enter an area of perhaps blaming others or a system, minimizing our personal responsibility for our own conduct of life.
Bourgue says “The relationships they build have been affective in helping drug users access more care.” Yes, great, then she says “And possibly detox and treatment.” That “possible” leaves a big question, is detox and rehab not the best way to rehabilitate?
And now the government in its wisdom is legalizing marijuana for recreational use. I always thought that recreation was life enhancing, in sports, mental and physical exercises, but now government is fine with using marijuana as a chemical feel-good stimulus. I am at a total loss.
My wife Lena and I are somewhat involved with a drug and alcohol rehab for men in Mexico. While these men are in the detox, they do feel like dying, but with care givers with Christian love and care, they do come through.
But these men must fight and challenge life, and they have a daily work assignment based on their skills.
One man when he entered the facility said to the man in charge, “ I came here to meditate.” He was told that he must first meditate on a shovel handle. But, the leader in charge loves his 20 men, cares for them and helps them to re-enter in society. And yes, some fall of the wagon, but if he is willing, then I’ll be pulled back on the wagon again. A caring Canadian.
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