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Rant to the father/son team who came and boxed us in and stood at the front of the sidewalk during the Life Chain event on Sunday, blocking us from view of the traffic.
Our merry band of four determined pro-choice advocates, with our lovely posters were no threat to you. You have dozens of like-minded people holding anti-choice posters, and blocks and blocks of space to stand in.
Not to mention plenty of financial support for your campaign of lies (abortion hurts women), unless you believe in medical science, sociology, and history. But I can see how numbers and facts must get in the way of your agenda, whatever that may be. Show me one thing the chain of life does that actually reduces abortion rates.
It was low.
Better people than you have tried to convince me not to stand up for myself or other women. I am happy to report that they, like you, have in fact had the opposite effect.
Next year, be ready. I will actually bring a sign saying ‘Can you believe this guy? He thinks he owns the sidewalk and your uterus.’
I would much rather stick to my poster. I will stand for women, but your passive-aggressive tactics may bring out the word warrior in me.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Love Jillian Maxine Demontigny, MD
P.S. Why didn’t we move? Because we had every right to be there peacefully demonstrating. We picked a spot across/separate from you because we were there to show support for choice. If we came and stood next to the chain of life, how difficult would it be for passersbys to see two different views on this. That was the entire point.
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