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Reader disagrees with MLA on minimum wage

Posted on November 18, 2015 by Taber Times

Lately I have seen several articles about our local MLA’s views on the minimum wage increase. Grant Hunter has been saying that businesses are scared of the minimum wage increase and I thought that I should share my opinions on the matter because I feel that the debate is becoming a little one sided.

I feel that the increase is a really good thing because it seems that some employers in our town at least don’t like paying much more than the minimum, and that can make it hard for some people to support their families, they sometimes even have to get two or three jobs just to put food on the table.
While there are a few jobs in town that pay a good wage I don’t think that they can hire everyone and some of them are only temporary seasonal jobs which only leads to people having to rely on unemployment insurance.

I may earn a decent wage myself but I do know a few people who aren’t as fortunate and my opinion is that some employers will always complain about having to pay a little more no matter how much their profits are.
That being said if companies don’t want to start paying a decent wage on their own maybe it’s a good thing that our government is increasing the minimum wage.


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