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From the Archives of Western Newspapers

Posted on August 10, 2023 by Taber Times

By Samantha Johnson
Southern Alberta Newspapers
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Thursday, August 6, 1908 – Taber Free Press

It will be a fight to the finish against Standard Oil. The Chicago members of the conference, called by Attorney General Bonaparte, left here for home with instructions to begin a fight against the company. “It will now be a fight to the finish,” said US Attorney Sims of Chicago. “We made mistakes – glaring ones – in the other trial, but now we are at work in earnest. Nothing will go wrong this time, you may be sure of that. I cannot tell you what our first action will be. It is for Mr. Bonaparte to make that public.”

A quarrel took place in Blairmore, AB, two miles from Frank, in a laundry between two brothers. While one was eating his meal, the other procured a heavy calibre six-shooter and fired six times at his victim, killing him instantly. He reloaded and fired again, then dropped the revolver by his side and sat in a chair to wait for Sgt. Haslett of the RNWMP. The man was handcuffed and is locked in the Frank barracks. Coroner Disney from Coleman has been summoned and will hold an inquest tomorrow.

There are now subscriptions announced to the extent of around $600,000 for the great tercentenary celebration in Quebec, and it is predicted that nearly $1 million will be forthcoming. From an historical point of view, it will be the greatest demonstration this continent has witnessed and one of the most dazzling picturesque events ever seen in any country.

Tuesday, August 8, 1911 – The Reflector (Mirror, AB)

Locals are wondering who is sending items of news to the daily press in Edmonton regarding Mirror. From the elaborate report of the alleged doings of one Captain McKinnery, with bunches of rot and hot air about his wonderful building projects here and the number of stores and other businesses he has supposedly established, it would seem that gentleman might know who the correspondent is. If the person will adjust their monocle and come down from Edmonton, they will find the town has grown beyond all expectations without having to lie or deceive to make it true.

The summer bids fair to go down in history as the greatest producer of Munchausen-like tales on record. Undoubtedly the prize fishing story comes from a nearby angler who without hook or line has been making wonderful catches.

A visitor to Montreal managed to live for two weeks in the city without any expense to himself. He made large orders with wholesale manufacturers of clothing that he asked to be shipped next month and was taken out to dinner, the theatre and other entertainment by them. When the deception was discovered, the only charge that could be laid was of being a suspicious character since none of the goods he ordered had yet been delivered.

Thursday, August 8, 1918 – Chinook Advance

$50,000 in damages was done in raids by veterans in Toronto eating houses the other day. Those veterans must have imagined they were going back to the trenches and went over the top.

Births, deaths and marriages all show an increase across the Dominion and Chinook is doing their fair share of contributing to the first of these.

Rivers in the Champagne district of France are flooding. No, it isn’t French champagne, only common water without the charm.

War is responsible for many new and unexpected industries, not the least of which is the manufacture of knitting wool from dog hair. A group of women conceived of the idea to use the combings off dogs this way and after long and patient experimenting the process of spinning was perfected. Long-haired dogs furnish the material used and the resulting wool is unusually soft and silky.

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