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Thanks for all the memories

Posted on November 20, 2013 by Taber Times

Dr. Emmett Brown, in the classic 1985 film “Back to the Future” stated, “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” Even though where I’m going I will still need a road — Highway 3 to be exact. I’m off to Coaldale but I’ll always have fond memories of Taber. It’s been a great learning experience and Taberites have been both welcoming and accommodating, as well as kind and generous.

Over the past year-and-a-half I’ve had the opportunity to chat with many residents about issues and events and share their stories with readers by doing what I love — to write.

I’ve covered Municipal District of Taber council meetings and council and M.D. staff have been wonderful, while offering me assistance in learning about the community. It’s amazing how passionate and concerned councillors are about their community and surrounding area.

The Taber Players are one of the organizations I have enjoyed covering during my stint in town. The group has given Taberites a taste of top-notch arts and culture and once the new arts centre is completed, I’m sure, live theatre will shine even brighter than it already does with the plethora of past theatre productions, locally produced.

Taber Public Library is an invaluable asset to the town and I’ve enjoyed getting to know the staff, reporting on the many events and programs the local library offers to patrons.

The library features an assortment of great family fun-filled programming, along with a vast collection of free literary masterpieces, CDs, DVDs, kids books, free Internet access and friendly and knowledgeable staff. All for the price of a library card, which allows you access to so many other libraries in the system.

Taber schools have also been a lot of fun to cover. From entertainment evenings to Halloween parades to sporting events to student initiatives and projects — students in Taber are talented and eager to learn. Horizon School Division has been very good to work with too. The division is very helpful and seems to have a great working relationship with the newspaper, which is awesome to see.

Taber is a very caring community, while donating to many a cause and lending a hand when one is needed. Taber has heart and most of all a strong desire to keep on keeping on.

The Taber Times has been an unforgettable experience. Everyone at the office has been truly remarkable in professionalism and always willing to offer support and help each other out. Team Taber Times will be sadly missed. I have learned so much from Mr. Busch and Mr. Price, and for that I will be forever grateful. They’ve helped me learn the ropes at a weekly newspaper and I thank the two for the opportunity and support they’ve given me. Both, are also great writers who love their craft — of spinning yarns, while sharing stories.

Overall, Taber — thank you. But in the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the classic film “The Terminator” — “I’ll be back.”

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