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Progressive Conservative Leader Jim Prentice will achieve spending cuts across every corner of the government, bringing sustainability to the costs of government as he implements his realistic plan to put our provincial finances back on track.
“Albertans have told us loud and clear they expect us to live within our means, and the backbone of our plan will be reducing spending,” said Prentice. “We will be eliminating waste and duplication, and finding efficiencies across all corners of the government – in a way that is clear, focused and transparent to Albertans.”
The Prentice Plan will:
Restrain public sector salaries. This will include a management wage freeze for three years; three-year hiring restraint measures; zero-percent salary increases through collective bargaining until the budget is balanced; tightened control on severance; and implementation of Sunshine List legislation for management staff across Alberta Health Services, universities, school boards, as well as government agencies, boards and commissions.
Root out waste and mismanagement and review red tape. This will include with the establishment of efficiency teams in all departments led by front-line employees as well as outside consumer and industry representatives, to make recommendations on waste, unnecessary regulation and red tape directly to Cabinet. The teams will work to a “one-for-one” standard on regulations, and ensure that 50 cents of each dollar saved will go to other internal priorities, with the other 50 cents applied to restraint goals.
Reduce the number of government agencies, boards and commissions (ABCs). The government will target the wind-down and elimination of 25% of Alberta’s 320 ABCs by the end of the 2015/16 fiscal year.
“We’re telling Albertans exactly how much we will cut, and where,” said Prentice. “It’s an honest, realistic plan to reduce government spending, in a way that protects front line services. Our plan will set our finances right, and set Alberta up for a brighter future.”
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