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By J.W. Schnarr
Taber Times
It will be an opportunity for local residents to come out and see the best of that some local 4-H clubs have to offer as well as celebrate the achievements of 4-H members over the course of the year.
On June 5 and 6, the Taber Agriplex will be the site of the 2015 Taber and District 4-H Show and Sale.
The event kicks off with a steer show Friday at 1 p.m., followed by a sheep show Friday evening.
On Saturday, the beef female show gets underway at 9 a.m. At 2 p.m., bidders can get their wallets out for the market beef, sheep sale, and hog show and sale.
The weekend will also feature a celebration of the achievements of the 4-Hers over the past year.
Six clubs and between 110 and 120 young people are taking part in this year’s event, including Bon-Ayr 4-H Beef; Retlaw Prairie 4-H Club; Grassy Lake 4-H Club; Taber 4-H Beef Club; Hays 4-H Club; and New Ewe 4-H Club.
Beef Council President Jack Rop said the show is a popular and important local event for all involved.
“(4-H) teaches these kids about responsibility and looking after an animal properly,” he said.
“We have a lot of good interaction in our clubs. If some kid needs a hand, older members usually like to help out with stuff like that. It’s a good atmosphere for kids and they learn how to work together.”
Rop said there are more than just market projects for children in the 4-H program.
They also learn about citizenship and volunteerism by helping out in the community, and they spend time helping local charities.
They also spend time pursuing interests outside traditional agriculture-based activities. Those projects are often left up to the members to decide on. Various 4-H clubs also teach leadership and public speaking skills, and are often cited as one of the reasons people are comfortable speaking publicly later in life.
“It really helps kids to be aware of how to help out your community, work with your community, and to keep it going,” Rop said.
“I’ve seen it lots over the years. The younger kids don’t want to do (public speaking), but then they get started on it, they get comfortable doing it, and it’s amazing after a few years how good they are at it. It develops their self confidence.”
“Even volunteering, they come to see the need that’s out there in different organizations, such as the food bank, it takes good volunteers to make that all happen.”
“Kids really value their 4-H time,” he added.
“The memories of the clubs and the fun they had socializing. We do a lot of fun stuff together. They know where their roots are.”
Rop said he is hoping for a good crowd this weekend.
“Everyone is more than welcome to come on down and watch,” he said.
“You can walk around and check things out, and ask questions. It’s a really good time.”
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