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By Greg Price
Taber Times
Sports and leisure are a year-around pursuit to go along with the nutrition and mindset needed to power it.
Perhaps no event encompasses sports mind and soul of athletic pursuits more than the current Winter Olympics that are in full swing in South Korea.
The Taber Times and its sister papers wanted to pay homage to all thing sports, fitness and health related, in a group magazine special that is the first of its kind for the Alta Newspaper Group.
The first issue of Insight magazine rolls out this week featuring stories from the Taber, Vauxhall, Coaldale, Bow Island/Cypress County, and Raymond/Magrath areas.
“We hope our readers enjoy our inaugural issue of ‘Insight magazine’ — this is a new brand of publication that our newspaper group will publish on a more regular basis in the future, stay tuned for the next issue in June,” said Ryan McAdams, publisher of The Taber Times. “This issue has a sports focus, as we believe that sports brings all communities together, whether it be youth or adult oriented.”
Inside this edition of Insight, you’ll read local stories about the Taber Combative Sports Commission, the Taber Sport Shooting Complex, Ken McDonald Memorial Sports Park, Taber Fading Sons and the rise of locals Brandon Davidson and Jeff Perrett in pro sports.
You can find your copy of Insight with this week’s edition of The Taber Times, or included with this week’s editions of the Bow Island Commentator, The Taber Times, Vauxhall Advance and Westwind Weekly News.
You can also pick up a copy at The Taber Times office at 4822 53rd Street.
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