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Reader sick of media bias

Posted on September 9, 2015 by Taber Times

I’m appalled at the hatred shown towards PM Harper by the left-leaning media.
What surprises me the most is the amazing prosperity I see in Canada during Prime Minister Harper’s leadership. Never before have I seen so many new cars, pickups, motor home and trailers, parking LOTS full of shoppers at malls plugged full of food, clothing, furniture, multi-million dollar homes and the list goes on and on. Calgary wants ot build a $900,000,000 sports facility, is this a society in want? Recently I watched a program of a great socialist paradise called Cuba. They were driving 1950 Chev cars and beat-up, old pickups. No three-door garages attached to multi-story homes.

Mr. J. Chretien, former PM, transferred all Canadian Unemployment Insurance funds into general revenue, and then announced how he balanced the budget. Former Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau printed 400 per cent more money into circulation over a four-year period and don’t forget the 65-cent dollar.

Even a Grade 9 student could manage Canada with that much money at their disposal. Yes, most Canadians enjoyed some pretty good years, but it seems the media wants to bring back the instability of the past — Mr. Trudeau, a smooth drama teacher, and the angry Mr. Mulcair, a drop out Liberal.

Watch out for a dramatic increase in taxes and cost of living if either of those two manage not to lose the election. It’s pretty obvious that a good portion of Canadians have enjoyed prosperity under PM Harper’s leadership. Don’t throw it away Canada.

Miles Pavka

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