Current Temperature
By Samantha Johnson
For Southern Alberta Newspapers
January 28, 1882 – The Edmonton Bulletin
It is stated on good authority that the Mounted Police force will be increased from 300 to 500 men.
The consumption of intoxicating liquor has increased greatly in Britain since the return of good times. The amount annually spent on drink in the British Isles is estimated at 140 million pounds sterling.
Water in the St. Lawrence and Ottawa rivers is lower than it has been for many years. Water in Lake Ontario has lowered 14 inches since 1854.
On November 12, a 36-hour snowstorm raged through western Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico. The snow depth varied from six to 20 inches.
January 27, 1911 – The Bellevue Times
Dominic Marshall was brought before the court on Saturday for stealing a lady’s coat from a house in the red-light district. He was found guilty and sent down to Macleod for two months.
A number of electors in Frank are displeased with the manner the last election was carried out. According to the Village Ordinance, eight days must transpire between the posting of notices and the annual meeting. Moreover, there must be no less than five notices posted in conspicuous places, which, they claim, did not take place and they were unable to have a voice in the election of school trustees.
John Hunter, who was well-known to anyone who has travelled to Fernie in the past 10 years as the porter for the leading hotels in town, died Tuesday afternoon in the hospital from exposure. Hunter was interdicted and could not obtain liquor directly. Someone obtained it for him last Friday and the next morning he was found unconscious near the schoolhouse. An inquest will be held to determine who obtained the poison that led to Hunter’s untimely end.
January 27, 1916 – The Alderson News
Those who braved the cold weather last Friday to attend the competition social were repaid with an enjoyable evening. Many competitions filled the evening, but the two most enjoyable were the nail driving contest, in which nine ladies competed, and a hat trimming contest that eight men took part in. Miss Edna Gish was declared the winner with a record eight nails in 45 seconds. Miss Edna Bean received the consolation prize for only driving half a nail in 45 seconds. Enos Lietch was declared the winner for hat trimming, in which two of the contestants were unable to get their needles threaded, but this didn’t stop them from making terrible creations.
The weather in the Jenner area has been somewhat nippy, with several thermometers registering 56 below zero.
Government employees fit for service are to have the opportunity of going to the front. General Hughes is gathering the names of Canadian women who are good with figures and will take the place of the men in the militia department. Ministers of the Crown at the head of other departments will follow his lead and a considerable fighting force will be the result.
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