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Parallel Church helps grads go out in style

Posted on April 25, 2024 by Taber Times
Times Photo Submitted by Kelly Fehr, MyCityCare

By Cal Braid
Taber Times
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Taber’s Parallel Church is one branch of a wider church network in southern Alberta whose motto is ‘For Love and Impact.’ The church places a strong emphasis on social and community initiatives that all tie in with a mission to create “engaging and impactful experiences that are grounded in love, mercy and integrity,” according to their statement of values.

With high school graduation on the horizon, Parallel is hosting a Cinderella Project/Tux Shop that will ensure that every student has what they need to graduate Grade 12 along with their peers. Kelly Fehr is the director of MyCityCare and Healthy Heroes at the church and she said, “Graduation is a milestone moment in a student’s life and we believe no student should miss out due to financial constraints. We at MyCityCare know that for many families and students the cost of graduation attire and services is difficult and we want to provide a space for these students to find everything they need to make their graduation dreams come true.”

She said that in the month of March the ministry reached out to local school principals, counselors, and teachers to inform them of the program and provide a link through which students can sign up for the program. 

“In April, we set up a pop-up shop in the lobby of Parallel Church Taber to host private, scheduled appointments with our students in which they come in with family and friends to shop for their graduation attire. Our shop is filled with dresses, suits, shoes, and accessories to ensure the graduates find exactly what they are looking for. Our volunteers are on hand to walk them through the process and support and encourage in any way we can.”

In addition, students are given the option of having their hair, nails, and makeup done the day of their graduation. And there’s even more: Photography is offered to students who want to visually capture the big day. Fehr said, “All of these services are provided by the amazing businesses and individuals in our town with no charge to our program or the student who is accessing them. We have had the pleasure to work with a variety of hairdressers, photographers, and business owners, (and) it is incredible to see the community come together to celebrate these students’ accomplishments.”

The project is operating for its third year and continues to grow. Last year, five students signed up for the program, and this year’s roster is currently also at five, but Fehr expects that number to increase as graduation dates come closer. 

“We have had great participation from the community with providing dresses and suits that they are no longer using for our program,” she said.

The program is open to “any student currently graduating from Grade 12 and lives in Taber or the surrounding area who has expressed that they are going through a personal hardship or struggling financially. We do not require any financial statements nor do we have any conditions for these students to register,” she said. “We have multiple MyCityCare’s across southern Alberta who also host their own Cinderella Project shops so students in other areas like Lethbridge, Medicine Hat and Okotoks can also sign up via our website.”

She reiterated the privacy aspect of the pop-up shop; it’s open by appointment only, on a day and time that works best for the student and the volunteers. Anyone can donate a dress, suit, shoes, or accessories on Tuesdays at the Parallel Church office from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. 

“We also accept financial donations as sometimes we have to purchase items for the grads if we do not have something that works for them in stock. I would love to answer any questions anyone may have about the Cinderella Project, MyCityCare in general, or donating to us financially,” Fehr said.

Given the opportunity, she was more than happy to share more about the church and the projects she directs. 

“MyCityCare is still in all the schools until the end of the year and relaunches in September when schools begin again, with our lunch program, Healthy Heroes, providing lunches for any student in need,” she said. “Now that the weather is getting warmer you will be able to see MyCityCare out with our mobile Street Store where we have free clothing and resources for those in need to access all free of charge. It is our hope to go to surrounding communities and schools with our mobile unit.”

She’s also in the planning stages of some “really great fundraisers and community events” and invites everyone to stay tuned to the MyCityCare Taber Facebook page for all the details. 

“MyCityCare is a volunteer based organization with a mission to come alongside our community for love and impact by offering programs that help provide for the basic needs of individuals in our community and surrounding communities, loving all, no strings attached, just people loving people,” she said.

Students wishing to register for the Cinderella Project or Tux Shop can fill out the registration form found at Registration remains open until all grads in the local area have been completed. Kelly Fehr can be reached by email at

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