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Thanks also to the Town of Taber staff for putting up the beautiful light ornaments around town on the light standards. They make me happy too! It was brought to my attention the very appropriate one of a kind ornament on the light standard at the Cenotaph. With all the beautiful lights all over town, how about the two new additions from the Communities in Bloom Society . . . the family of Snowmen at the town entrance, and the horse and sleigh at Confederation Park.
So while I’m giving out accolades, special thanks to the Scouts from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who have helped decorate the trees at the police station the past few years.
There are so many volunteers helping to make our Town of Taber a more enjoyable and beautiful place to live. Lucky us!
Let’s show our appreciation by thanking them and helping wherever we can.
Margaret Bullock
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