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brothers, not the man accused of the assaults, a lawyer suggested
Tuesday in Lethbridge Court of Queen’s Bench.
Lethbridge lawyer Miranda Hlady made the accusations while cross-
examining a 21-year-old witness, who testified he was molested when he
was a young boy by former Taber resident Jorden Van Voorthuizen.
“Not possible,” the witness simply responded to the suggestion he was
assaulted by his brothers and not the accused.
Van Voorthuizen is charged with two counts of sexual assault against
the two men between 1995 and 2001. One of the men testified Monday the
accused molested him numerous times over nearly four years, under
circumstances that closely mirrored those of the second complainant
who testified Tuesday and described similar assaults against him as a
young boy.
Both men, now living in Ontario and who can’t be identified under a
publication ban, finally reported the assaults years later because
they feared Van Voorthuizen would molest other children.
Tuesday’s witness told court he was too young to know better when he
and the accused would touch each other and engage in other sexual
activities. But as he got older he began to realize something was wrong.
“I’m here today because I feel I was sexually molested as a child by
Jorden Van Voorthuizen,” he said.
At times the witness appeared to be on the verge of crying, then at
one point during cross-examination, he broke down, sobbing loudly and
prompting the judge to order a short break in the jury trial. He
avoided looking in the direction of Van Voorthuizen who sat calmly
just metres away in the prisoners’ dock.
The man admitted he used drugs growing up, and still smoked pot to
help him sleep and keep “weird” dreams away. But he denied accusations
by defence that there is something wrong with him.
“I’m trying to live life to the fullest,” he said. “There’s nothing
wrong with me. Something wrong has been done to me.”
The girlfriend of the other complainant testified Tuesday, as well,
and said that when they lived together in Toronto they talked a little
about the assaults, but avoided specific details.
“It caused him a lot of difficulty to discuss,” she testified.
A Taber police constable also testified and said he was assigned the
case in September 2010 but didn’t make any attempts to contact the
accused for a year. He pointed out Van Voorthuizen was in Greece at
the time, but was eventually extradited.
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