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By Cole Parkinson
Taber Times
Dr. Hamman School or Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
While it may look like the usual Dr. Hamman from the outside, inside things are starting to look a little bit like Harry Potter’s old digs as the school is implementing a House Cup, of sorts.
“One of the things new at our school this year is, we are focusing on a new family and team approach within the school. So we have developed multi-level, multi-graded class houses, sort of on the Harry Potter theme. We have five teams, owls, falcons, eagles, hawks and ravens. Students are going to be participating in five or six events this year with their school house. Different things like Orange Shirt Day, a colour run, Terry Fox run, sports day and they also have challenges. So they can earn points for doing positive things around the school or in the community,” explained Alyson Archibald, principal at Dr. Hamman. “At the end of the year, the winning house will have a pool party with pizza.”
Students won’t be the only ones to join in on the fun either, as teachers will also be apart of the five different teams.
And speaking of teachers, the list of new staff is short but the school is happy with the addition made.
“We have one new teacher, Mr. Corey Makoloski. Corey is a long-time teacher in Horizon and formerly at Warner School and D.A. Ferguson so he will be our learning support teacher. He comes with a wealth of experience in the area of inclusive education and in administration. We are so happy to have him here on staff,” said Archibald.
The number of students walking Dr. Hamman hallways is also very similar to the prior year.
“Enrolment numbers, we are very close to where we were last year. Right between 250 and 260,” added Archibald.
Starting at the end of the last school year, many beautification changes were made around the school.
With the help of the local Taber Communities in Bloom group, many green additions were made to the school grounds.
“We have been working together with parent council and with the Taber Communities in Bloom group so we did some beautification all around the grounds. We planted a few trees and we have a garden out front, in the fenced-off area on the north side of the school. Volunteers from Communities in Bloom worked with kids learning about planting and growth. Both Grade 1 and Grade 4 outcomes were covered last year and so we are continuing with that,” stated Archibald, who also detailed some inside improvements that were finished over the summer months. “There was some painting completed. Last year we started and we had every classroom freshly painted so the last classrooms got done over the summer. We are very well supported by the maintenance department at Horizon and the board.”
While the first few weeks are complete, there is still plenty on tap at Dr. Hamman for September.
“We have our annual Harvest Celebration on the evening of Sept. 19 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Our families come and meet the teachers, and parents put on a supper. Our Terry Fox run is on Sept. 20 at 9:45 a.m. at the track,” continued Archibald.
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