Current Temperature
By Trevor Busch
Taber Times
The Town of Taber has awarded a tender for the replacement of rooftop heating, ventilation and air conditioning units for the Taber Arena.
At their Aug. 19 meeting, town council voted unanimously to award the Arena Rooftop Units Tender to Four Seasons Inc. for $112,420, plus GST.
According to administration, the town has experienced several issues with the arena rooftop units. They are at end of their life cycle and as part of regular maintenance were scheduled for replacement in 2019.
Work includes installation of four new rooftop heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units for the dressing rooms and lobby, including supply and installation of roof curb adapters and associated ductwork; miscellaneous natural gas and electrical connections, including new cable and conduit breakers, convenience receptacles, controls and fire alarm interconnections; and extension of combustion venting for existing the dehumidification unit.
Two bids were received for the tender, with the unsuccessful bid coming from KB Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. ($123,963). Included in the tendered amounts is a $16,000 extra work allowance. Council allocated $140,000 for the project in the 2019 operating budget. There is also an estimated engineering fee of $15,000. Replacing the four existing rooftop heating and ventilation units will “ensure adequate HVAC in the arena.”
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