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This week in crime Jan. 28 – Feb. 4

Posted on February 6, 2019 by Taber Times

Highway 3 & 51st Street
Police responded to a complaint of a suspicious female in the area. The female was gone when police arrived, and multiple patrols of the area were made and were unsuccessful in locating the female.

53rd Street & 48th Avenue
Police received a complaint regarding a female who left a business without paying for her bill.

56th Street & 54th Avenue
Police received a complaint about a possible impaired driver. The vehicle was located and the driver was determined to not be impaired.

57th Avenue & 56th Street
Police responded to a residential area regarding an argument taking place between neighbours. The situation was mediated and resolved.

48th Street & 46th Avenue
Police received a complaint of a possible impaired driver. The vehicle was located and the driver was charged with impaired driving. He was released for Taber court on Feb. 19.

47th Avenue & 53rd Street
Police received a complaint of a broken window at a local business.

44th Avenue & 52nd Street
Police received a complaint of a vehicle window that had been broken.

73rd Avenue & 50th Street
Police received a complaint about a possible break and enter to a building on town property.

58th Avenue & 54th Street
Police received a complaint about a bicycle theft.

57th Street & 54th Avenue
Police received a complaint of an assault involving several people in a residential area.

49th Street & 53rd Avenue
Police stopped a vehicle and found a Taber male to have outstanding warrants. The Taber male was also found to be in possession of methamphetamine. The male was charged and released for Taber court on Feb. 26.

48th Street & 60th Avenue
Police received a complaint of mischief to a school playground and a grass area over night.

55th Street & 42nd Avenue
Police received a driving complaint where a vehicle did not stop for a school bus displaying red lights. The vehicle was located and the driver was issued a violation ticket.

59th Avenue & 48th Street
Police are investigating a second complaint of mischief to a residential park and grass area.

48th Street & 62nd Avenue
Police found a black and blue mountain bike. Please contact TPS if you are missing a bicycle with that description.

50th Street & 41st Avenue
A Taber male attended TPS to report that his licence plate had been stolen.

Breakdowns of Files by Category
Provincial – 25
Criminal Code Violations – 23
9-1-1 Calls for service – 2
Bylaw Calls – 9
CDSA – 3
Other calls for service – 11
Liquor – 0
Total Calls for Service – 73
9-1-1 calls for week – 50

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